Undeniable love for our Jesus. First.
Undeniable love for each other. Second.
Obvious obedience to God.
That He'll lead us, together, to whatever He has in mind.
Every day.
Every moment.
Every decision.
Every move.
Undoubting joy, not only on our faces, but in our lives.
The moments we are together.
The moments we are apart.
Ravishing joys.
Enveloping love.
For each other.
For our families.
For our friends.
For kids.
For older folks.
For those we don't know.
For those we don't like.
For those who don't like us.
For the poor.
For the rich.
Unconditional love.
Fireproof commitment.
It's not going to be broken.
During the best times.
During the hardest times.
During the times in between.
No matter what the circumstances.
Profound peace.
With God.
With each other.
With others.
With circumstances.
Tenacious adoration.
For each other.
The way we look.
The way we talk.
The way we play
The way we laugh.
The way we are. Together. Apart.
Poise and gracefulness.
In our stage presence.
In our words.
In the way we treat ourselves, each other and others.
In our choice of dress.
In our choice of song.
On this day. On every day.
Genuine promises.
Eye contact.
Divine romance.
Not my day. Not his day. But HIS day. HIS way. For HIS glory.